Offline Page Website temporarily offline

Sorry, our site is temporarily down for maintenance. Please check back again soon.

There may be occasions when you will make your WordPress website completely unavailable to visitors for a short time. There is a simple switch in the Theme Settings that enables you to take your website offline very quickly. It can be returned to service at a later time just as easily.

To take your WordPress website temporarily offline

To make your WordPress website unavailable to visitors, replacing it with a simple message, do this:

  1. Log in to the Administrator dashboard.
  2. Click on the Anacron Theme button in the left sidebar.
  3. There are so many configuration options that they need to be divided into separate groups or tabs. The Advanced tab should be last but one.
  4. Find where it says Maintenance Mode and click the toggle button to Enable it.
  5. Optional: Change the Message to give your visitors some explanation about why your website is unavailable.
  6. Click the Save button in the top right corner to implement the new settings:
    • The Save button will save your changes and but leave you in the theme settings.
  7. You should see a message confirming the settings have been saved.

Anacron comes with it's own customized Site Offline page which is displayed when the site is set to Maintenace Mode within the Theme Administration. This page, /wp-content/themes/rt_anacron_wp/maintenance.php can be easily customised with your own layout, logo and colours, so it represents a message which relates to your project.

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